
terça-feira, 24 de março de 2015

Home made Deep water hydroponic system for $35 Easy

Publicado em 26 de abr de 2013
I use hydroponics to start all my plants, it's much faster and very easy, now with my home made deep hydroponic system I can grow larger vegitables like your greens etc. even a tomato plant.

Make sure you add hydrogen peroxide once a week!! Make a ventilation cut under the brim in an area that light isn't touching. That will help decrease some humidity. Unlike soil when you add nutrients to the water the water is extremely acidic and will shock the roots. For this go to HomeDepot and get a little PH kit and there solutions for PH, very cheap, This is a MUST...

Check out my5 Gallons Bucket Hydroponic + Nutrients 101 From A to Z very easy.

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