Alertar para a necessidade de vigilância contra as grandes catástrofes, sejam elas naturais ou conseqüência do comportamento humano, e a importância da Sustentabilidade e cuidados com o Meio Ambiente. COVID e Educação, EAD, Teletrabalho e os impactos ambientais e sociais.
sexta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2016
"O Grito do Bicho": Assustado com fogos de Natal, cão se joga de sacad...
"O Grito do Bicho": Assustado com fogos de Natal, cão se joga de sacad...: Quando há 20 anos atrás comecei a fazer a campanha "Bicharada, passa p´ra dentro", ninguém se tocava no desespero dos animais. Ho...
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"O Grito do Bicho": Fogos são banidos para bem-estar dos animais - Sor...
"O Grito do Bicho": Fogos são banidos para bem-estar dos animais - Sor...: Gente, eu não sabia disto não!!!!!!!!!! E viva Sorocaba!!!!!!!!!! que maravilha!!!!!!!!!!! ----------------------------------- A Pre...
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Corpo de Bombeiros orienta sobre manuseio de fogos de artifícios
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Blog do Dr. Rodrigo Luz: A questão do uso de fogos de artifício nas campanh...
Blog do Dr. Rodrigo Luz: A questão do uso de fogos de artifício nas campanh...: Dia 16 está chegando e falta pouco mais de uma semana para a campanha eleitoral começar e os candidatos pedirem abertamente o seu voto...
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Plante Uma Vida, Plante Uma Árvore: Fogos de artifício, ou melhor, malefício
Plante Uma Vida, Plante Uma Árvore: Fogos de artifício, ou melhor, malefício: Por Darci Bergmann Numa dessas barulhentas viradas de ano, ocorreu um caso inusitado aqui em São Borja. Um clube local hav...
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PL proíbe queima de fogos em áreas com animais domésticos - O Chefão da Notícia
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Publicado em 28 de jun de 2016
Os fogos de artifício são os responsáveis por acidentes dos mais variados tipos, principalmente com os cães que tem a audição mais aguçada do que a nossa. Eles ficam apavorados, fogem, alguns têm náusea, convulsões... É ASSUSTADOR!
Nesse São João, vamos ter consciência do sofrimento que é causado à esses anjos.
Nesse São João, vamos ter consciência do sofrimento que é causado à esses anjos.
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Encerramento da Paralimpíada no Maracanã - Ivete Sangalo
Publicado em 19 de set de 2016
Foi simplismente o momento mais deslumbrante da festa de encerramento...a diva Ivete foi Maravilhosa...momento mais esperado. Simplismente Lindooooooooooo...
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Sons que desaparecem
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sábado, 17 de dezembro de 2016
Racionalidade – a vida sustentável é o grande desafio do século 21
Racionalidade – a vida sustentável é o grande
desafio do século 21
Precisamos de severidade, honestidade intelectual e mudanças em todos os
sentidos, já.
Da Wikipédia temos que sustentabilidade é:
certeza se a Humanidade pode ainda dispor de uma folga em seus hábitos de vida,
eles se aproximam rapidamente de limites letais. O que fazer para reverter esse
comportamento suicida? O que imediatamente dará resultados surpreendentes?
Simplesmente não desperdiçando, podemos mudar significativamente o grau
de poluição imediatamente, onde?
Mobilidade urbana
Serviços essenciais
Inovações disciplinadas
Não submissão à mídia comercial
Otimizando processos produtivos e de consumo.
Infelizmente somos “humanos, demasiadamente humanos” [1] e o desenvolvimento
social, político, filosófico e psicológico:
Demora demais para amadurecer intimamente...
Somos eventualmente racionais.
Desperdiçamos tempo.
Nossa atenção é governada por glândulas e
Não percebemos nossa fragilidade.
A Natureza é severa, não espera.
Podemos destruir a Terra e sermos atingidos
por eventos catastróficos ou simples (doenças, por exemplo) que ela produz
Acima de tudo, o que devemos, podemos,
queiramos ou não, fazer?
Carecemos de novas propostas de
A escola é o ambiente mais propício a
transformações rápidas e radicais, nelas poucos especialistas em cargos gerenciais
poderão produzir gerações modernas de mestres.
E a família? Gerações anteriores
trazem atavismos, tradições e culturas superadas. Assim sendo, partindo dessas
hipóteses a serem estudadas, devemos:
Aprender desde os
primeiros anos de vida a ter dúvidas [2] , “a certeza absoluta
é por si só suficiente para impedir qualquer progresso mental naqueles que a
O valor da
honestidade intelectual, com destaque para os livros e palestras de Michel
Foucault [3]
A importância de
Sobreviver em
qualquer condição.
Saber que podemos
crescer intelectualmente.
Nunca devemos
desistir, aposentar da vida.
descendentes dependem de nós, todos precisam de todos nós até o último instante
de vida.
é fundamental olhar com cuidado os modismos, a mídia comercial, ONGs
simplórias, o imperialismo tecnológico, o consumismo.
temos panaceias, nada é suficiente, tudo o que pudermos fazer, contudo, é
importante (para o bem e para o mal).
de pesquisas até para reverter o gigantismo do ser humano, um dos principais
responsáveis pela necessidade de mais energia, espaços, alimentos, soluções
para tudo o que seres humanos têm em sua constituição física, raramente útil ao
bem estar geral e à sobrevivência da Humanidade.
gerações têm a oportunidade de desenvolver pesquisas e projetos saudáveis,
principalmente agir e serem exemplarmente sustentáveis, vindo a favor da Natureza que nos acolhe.
Carlos Cascaes [4]
F. Nietzsche, “Humano, demasiado Humano,” [Online]. Available:
“Bertrand Russell,” [Online]. Available: [Acesso em 24 7 2016].
J. C. Cascaes. [Online]. Available:
J. C. Cascaes. [Online]. Available:
14 de dez (Há 3 dias)
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Prezado Cascaes, boa tarde!
Como vai?
Entro em contato em função da publicação de uma Revista com os resultados do Simpósio que o senhor participou como palestrante, o Simpósio de Estudantes de Engenharia para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, lembra? Inclusive, pelos comentários dos alunos a sua foi a melhor palestra. Por isso, agradeço novamente sua disponibilidade naquela ocasião.
Mas, o que gostaríamos agora é que o conteúdo da sua palestra ficasse registrado por meio de um resumo (cerca de meia página, no máximo uma página). A sua e as demais palestras irão compor as primeiras páginas da Revista e nas demais páginas serão publicados os trabalhos dos alunos.
Gostaria muito de poder contar com este resumo da sua palestra. O senhor aceitaria e poderia escrever um breve resumo e nos encaminhar para publicação?
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segunda-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2016
SDG Montreal Protocol
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The Hole - A film on the Montreal Protocol, narrated by Sir David Attenb...
Publicado em 14 de out de 2016
Sir David Attenborough narrates the extraordinary history of the Montreal Protocol to raise awareness of the 28th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol in Kigali, Rwanda, and efforts to control powerful global warming chemicals hydrofluorocarbons - HFCs - under the Protocol. Reducing HFCs under the Montreal Protocol can avoid 0.5°C of global warming by the end of the century, while continuing to protect the ozone layer.
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Montreal Protocol - Video Learning -
Publicado em 24 de set de 2015
The "Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer" is an international treaty designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of numerous substances that are responsible for ozone depletion. It was agreed on 16 September 1987, and entered into force on 1 January 1989, followed by a first meeting in Helsinki, May 1989. Since then, it has undergone eight revisions, in 1990 , 1991 , 1992 , 1993 , 1995 , 1997 , 1998 , 1999 and 2007 . As a result of the international agreement, the ozone hole in Antarctica is slowly recovering. Climate projections indicate that the ozone layer will return to 1980 levels between 2050 and 2070. Due to its widespread adoption and implementation it has been hailed as an example of exceptional international co-operation, with Kofi Annan quoted as saying that "perhaps the single most successful international agreement to date has been the Montreal Protocol". In comparison, effective burden sharing and solution proposals mitigating regional conflicts of interest have been among the success factors for the Ozone depletion challenge, where global regulation based on the Kyoto Protocol has failed to do so. In case of the ozone depletion challenge, there was global regulation already being installed before a scientific consensus was established. As well in comparison, lay people and public opinion were more convinced about possible imminent risks.
The two ozone treaties have been ratified by 197 parties, which includes 196 states and the European Union, making them the first universally ratified treaties in United Nations history.
Wiz Science™ is "the" learning channel for children and all ages.
Disclaimer: This video is for your information only. The author or publisher does not guarantee the accuracy of the content presented in this video. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Background Music:
"The Place Inside" by Silent Partner (royalty-free) from YouTube Audio Library.
This video uses material/images from, which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 . This video is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 . To reuse/adapt the content in your own work, you must comply with the license terms.
The two ozone treaties have been ratified by 197 parties, which includes 196 states and the European Union, making them the first universally ratified treaties in United Nations history.
Wiz Science™ is "the" learning channel for children and all ages.
Disclaimer: This video is for your information only. The author or publisher does not guarantee the accuracy of the content presented in this video. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Background Music:
"The Place Inside" by Silent Partner (royalty-free) from YouTube Audio Library.
This video uses material/images from, which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 . This video is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 . To reuse/adapt the content in your own work, you must comply with the license terms.
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Understanding the Montreal Protocol
Publicado em 11 de out de 2016
The Montreal Protocol was agreed in 1987 and implemented two years later. It's a landmark international agreement, designed to protect the earth's ozone layer. It's also the first environmental treaty to receive worldwide support. The Montreal Protocol is designed to legally enforce the phasing out of ozone-depleting chemicals that exist in household items, like fridges. TOUCH In 1974, scientists discovered that chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, deplete the ozone layer that protects the planet from ultraviolet radiation. In 1985, a gaping hole was discovered above Antarctica. It prompted world leaders to take action. The protocol is now ratified by 197 countries and is believed to have averted the collapse of the ozone layer by the middle of the 21st century. The parties meet annually to adjust the protocol in response to new scientific information. So far, that's happened six times. Delegates say the objective is to protect human health and the environment from the harmful effects of a damaged ozone layer.
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The Ozone Hole Is Finally Healing
Publicado em 1 de jul de 2016
Credits: Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Science Magazine
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Antarctic Ozone Hole
Publicado em 19 de set de 2014
The Antarctic Ozone Hole is an annual springtime event above Earth's frozen, southernmost continent. Man-made CFCs, naturally occurring Polar Stratospheric Clouds, and the return of sunlight set off incredible destruction of the protective Ozone Layer. This video presents these complicated processes with simple to understand animations.
- Video, Animations, and Narration by Patrick Cullis - CIRES contractor for the Ozone and Water Vapor Group in NOAA's Global Monitoring Division.
- Antarctica Photography by Patrick Cullis -
- Satellite Imagery from NASA's Ozone Watch -
- Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) by James W. Elkins of NOAA's Global Monitoring Division -
- Historical Worldwide CFC Production - AFEAS -
- Video, Animations, and Narration by Patrick Cullis - CIRES contractor for the Ozone and Water Vapor Group in NOAA's Global Monitoring Division.
- Antarctica Photography by Patrick Cullis -
- Satellite Imagery from NASA's Ozone Watch -
- Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) by James W. Elkins of NOAA's Global Monitoring Division -
- Historical Worldwide CFC Production - AFEAS -
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NASA | Big Ozone Holes Headed For Extinction By 2040
Publicado em 7 de mai de 2015
The next three decades will see an end of the era of big ozone holes. In a new study, scientists from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center say that the ozone hole will be consistently smaller than 8 million square miles by the year 2040.
Ozone-depleting chemicals in the atmosphere cause an ozone hole to form over Antarctica during the winter months in the Southern Hemisphere. Since the Montreal Protocol agreement in 1987, emissions have been regulated and chemical levels have been declining. However, the ozone hole has still remained bigger than 8 million square miles since the early 1990s, with exact sizes varying from year to year.
The size of the ozone hole varies due to both temperature and levels of ozone-depleting chemicals in the atmosphere. In order to get a more accurate picture of the future size of the ozone hole, scientists used NASA’s AURA satellite to determine how much the levels of these chemicals in the atmosphere varied each year. With this new knowledge, scientists can confidently say that the ozone hole will be consistently smaller than 8 million square miles by the year 2040. Scientists will continue to use satellites to monitor the recovery of the ozone hole and they hope to see its full recovery before the end of the century.
Research: Inorganic chlorine variability in the Antarctic vortex and implications for ozone recovery.
Journal: Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, December 18, 2014.
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Ozone-depleting chemicals in the atmosphere cause an ozone hole to form over Antarctica during the winter months in the Southern Hemisphere. Since the Montreal Protocol agreement in 1987, emissions have been regulated and chemical levels have been declining. However, the ozone hole has still remained bigger than 8 million square miles since the early 1990s, with exact sizes varying from year to year.
The size of the ozone hole varies due to both temperature and levels of ozone-depleting chemicals in the atmosphere. In order to get a more accurate picture of the future size of the ozone hole, scientists used NASA’s AURA satellite to determine how much the levels of these chemicals in the atmosphere varied each year. With this new knowledge, scientists can confidently say that the ozone hole will be consistently smaller than 8 million square miles by the year 2040. Scientists will continue to use satellites to monitor the recovery of the ozone hole and they hope to see its full recovery before the end of the century.
Research: Inorganic chlorine variability in the Antarctic vortex and implications for ozone recovery.
Journal: Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, December 18, 2014.
Link to paper:
This video is public domain and can be downloaded at:
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Cow Farts Blow Up A Barn!
Publicado em 29 de jan de 2014
Could cow farts blow up a barn? Apparently so! A static charge triggered an explosion of methane gas in a barn in Rasdorf, Germany earlier this week. How powerful is methane gas? Trace joins us and discusses cow farts and just how damaging methane gas can be to the environment.
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Do Cows Pollute As Much As Cars?
"Agriculture is responsible for an estimated 14 percent of the world's greenhouse gases. A significant portion of these emissions come from methane, which, in terms of its contribution to global warming, is 23 times more powerful than carbon dioxide."
90 Cows Exploded A Barn In Germany With Their Farts
"Farting can be bad for your health if you're a cow. A barn containing 90 dairy cows in Rasdorf, Germany, exploded yesterday due to the build up of methane gas, according to Reuters and local media, quoting police reports."
German Cows Cause Methane Blast in Rasdorf
"Methane gas released by dairy cows has caused an explosion in a cow shed in Germany, police said."
Why Do Coal Mines Explode?
"The cause of the massive explosions that killed at least 25 miners in West Virginia yesterday remains unknown."
Chemical of the Week: Methane
"Methane is a colorless, odorless gas with a wide distribution in nature."
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Furrocious: Persian Cats
TestTube Wild Card
Why We Fart More on Airplanes
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Do Cows Pollute As Much As Cars?
"Agriculture is responsible for an estimated 14 percent of the world's greenhouse gases. A significant portion of these emissions come from methane, which, in terms of its contribution to global warming, is 23 times more powerful than carbon dioxide."
90 Cows Exploded A Barn In Germany With Their Farts
"Farting can be bad for your health if you're a cow. A barn containing 90 dairy cows in Rasdorf, Germany, exploded yesterday due to the build up of methane gas, according to Reuters and local media, quoting police reports."
German Cows Cause Methane Blast in Rasdorf
"Methane gas released by dairy cows has caused an explosion in a cow shed in Germany, police said."
Why Do Coal Mines Explode?
"The cause of the massive explosions that killed at least 25 miners in West Virginia yesterday remains unknown."
Chemical of the Week: Methane
"Methane is a colorless, odorless gas with a wide distribution in nature."
Watch More:
Furrocious: Persian Cats
TestTube Wild Card
Why We Fart More on Airplanes
DNews is dedicated to satisfying your curiosity and to bringing you mind-bending stories & perspectives you won't find anywhere else! New videos twice daily.
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Study: Arctic methane emissions significantly increased since 2014
Publicado em 7 de out de 2016
October 4, 2016 by The Siberian Times: New expedition in Laptev Sea suggests increase in the rate of underwater permafrost degradation.
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Arctic Methane Emergency: Methane released by the Gigaton!
Publicado em 13 de out de 2016
Global warming is causing CO2 levels to hit 400 ppm, a level humans have never seen. Droughts are spreading and Miami is reporting that the ocean is backing .
Global warming is causing CO2 levels to hit 400 ppm, a level humans have never seen. Droughts are spreading and Miami is reporting that the ocean is backing .
'Like' if you like. Feel free to subcribe to my channel. Uploader: revmichellehopkins Uploaded: Feb 10, 2013 08:31 PM Mirrored with permission from R3zn8D .
Global warming is causing CO2 levels to hit 400 ppm, a level humans have never seen. Droughts are spreading and Miami is reporting that the ocean is backing .
'Like' if you like. Feel free to subcribe to my channel. Uploader: revmichellehopkins Uploaded: Feb 10, 2013 08:31 PM Mirrored with permission from R3zn8D .
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Methane Emissions From Arctic Ocean Seafloor
Publicado em 24 de jun de 2016
I discuss a recently published paper (May, 2016) titled "Effects of climate change on methane emissions from seafloor sediments: A review".
Rapidly declining sea ice and snow cover is darkening the Arctic, leading to large temperature amplification. I talk about some of the paper highlights, and how a warmer, wavier and more open Arctic is leading to many physical and geochemical processed that are causing increased methane concentrations in both the water column and the atmosphere.
Rapidly declining sea ice and snow cover is darkening the Arctic, leading to large temperature amplification. I talk about some of the paper highlights, and how a warmer, wavier and more open Arctic is leading to many physical and geochemical processed that are causing increased methane concentrations in both the water column and the atmosphere.
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"Implication des scénarios d'émission avant 2030 et efforts de décarboni...
Publicado em 25 de nov de 2015
"Résumé à l'intention des décideurs" l'essentiel du dernier rapport du GIEC expliqué en vidéos. SPM12
Philippe Bousquet est professeur en sciences du climat à l'université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin
Philippe Bousquet est professeur en sciences du climat à l'université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin
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"Les émissions anthropiques" Par Philippe Ciais et Philippe Bousquet SPM2
Publicado em 24 de nov de 2015
"Résumé à l'intention des décideurs" l'essentiel du dernier rapport du GIEC expliqué en vidéos. SPM2
Philippe Ciais nous présente dans cette vidéo, les émissions de gaz à effet de serre d’origine humaine depuis 1970. L’origine des incertitudes liées à ces mesures est détaillée par Philippe Bousquet.
Philippe Ciais est climatologue au laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement.
Philippe Ciais est chercheur au laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement.
Philippe Bousquet est professeur en sciences du climat à l'université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin
Philippe Ciais nous présente dans cette vidéo, les émissions de gaz à effet de serre d’origine humaine depuis 1970. L’origine des incertitudes liées à ces mesures est détaillée par Philippe Bousquet.
Philippe Ciais est climatologue au laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement.
Philippe Ciais est chercheur au laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement.
Philippe Bousquet est professeur en sciences du climat à l'université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin
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