Alertar para a necessidade de vigilância contra as grandes catástrofes, sejam elas naturais ou conseqüência do comportamento humano, e a importância da Sustentabilidade e cuidados com o Meio Ambiente. COVID e Educação, EAD, Teletrabalho e os impactos ambientais e sociais.
domingo, 10 de novembro de 2013
Passagem do tufão Haiyan pelas Filipinas deixa mais de 10 mil mortos
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Unicef diz que tufão pode ter afetado 4 milhões de crianças nas Filipinas
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Quando a Humanidade será capaz de se defender?
Quando um SOS internacional será capaz de agir com eficácia?
Quando usaremos a tecnologia a favor da Humanidade em momentos de catástrofes?
Será que Forças Armadas serão apenas para a morte?
Quando usaremos a tecnologia a favor da Humanidade em momentos de catástrofes?
Será que Forças Armadas serão apenas para a morte?
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relatar atividades culturais e reuniões da Academia de Letras José de Alencar - ALJA
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sábado, 9 de novembro de 2013
Cientistas advertem sobre maior probabilidade de impactos de asteroides
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O ser humano e suas prioridades
Infelizmente enquanto enfrentamos a dispersão provocada pela mídia e modismos a serviço de conveniências industriais, comerciais e financeiras (agiotagem), questões reais são esquecidas.
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quinta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2013
Prefeituras ignoram o risco de desastres
Prefeituras ignoram o risco de desastres: O verão ainda não chegou, mas o Paraná já teve uma amostra do que a temporada de chuvas pode trazer ao estado, com a ocorrências de vendavais, enchentes e granizo nos últimos meses. O problema é que poucas prefeituras despertaram para a necessidade de uma...
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relatar atividades culturais e reuniões da Academia de Letras José de Alencar - ALJA
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Nossas comunidades, cidades, estados etc. estão preparados para grandes catástrofes? Sabem o que é Defesa Civil?
O crescimento absurdamente acelerado de nossas cidades, principalmente, criou polos extremamente frágeis diante de grandes catástrofes.
No Brasil imensas barragens, as usinas nucleares de Angra dos Reis, prédios gigantescos, vias estreitas e entre desfiladeiros de prédios, a fragilidade sanitária, aeroportos que trazem e levam multidões em poucas horas, a possibilidade de epidemias semelhantes à Gripe Espanhola (ou piores) etc. além de fenômenos naturais catastróficos não serão suportados por nenhuma unidade intitulada "Defesa Civil"".
Não se espera eficácia 100%, mas estamos muito longe de níveis razoáveis.
As únicas catástrofes temidas são aquelas que a FEBRABAN e o Banco Central imaginam...
A grande mídia nacional, formadora de opiniões e modismos, está a serviço de patrocinadores poderosos ou escrava de temores atávicos.
Em tempo, a Constituição federal de 1988 viabiliza a ditadura federal.
No Brasil imensas barragens, as usinas nucleares de Angra dos Reis, prédios gigantescos, vias estreitas e entre desfiladeiros de prédios, a fragilidade sanitária, aeroportos que trazem e levam multidões em poucas horas, a possibilidade de epidemias semelhantes à Gripe Espanhola (ou piores) etc. além de fenômenos naturais catastróficos não serão suportados por nenhuma unidade intitulada "Defesa Civil"".
Não se espera eficácia 100%, mas estamos muito longe de níveis razoáveis.
As únicas catástrofes temidas são aquelas que a FEBRABAN e o Banco Central imaginam...
A grande mídia nacional, formadora de opiniões e modismos, está a serviço de patrocinadores poderosos ou escrava de temores atávicos.
Em tempo, a Constituição federal de 1988 viabiliza a ditadura federal.
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relatar atividades culturais e reuniões da Academia de Letras José de Alencar - ALJA
2 comentários:
quarta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2013
Publicado em 29/10/2013
New data released by Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) shows once again that the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster is far from over. Despite a complete media blackout on the current situation, levels of Cesium-137 (Cs-137) and Cesium-134 (Cs-134) found in produce and rice crackers located roughly 225 miles (~ 362 km) away from Fukushima are high enough to cause residents to exceed the annual radiation exposure limit in just a few months, or even weeks.
According to, which posts up-to-date information about the Fukushima disaster, rice crackers and tangerines produced in the Shizuoka prefecture are testing high for both Cs-137 and Cs-134. Rice crackers, according to the data sheet, tested at 3.7 Becquerels per kilogram (Bq/Kg) of Cs-137, while tangerines tested at 1.46 Bq/Kg of Cs-134 and 3.14 Bq/Kg of Cs-137.
The Shizuoka prefecture is located about 80 miles (~ 128 km) southwest of Tokyo, which is highly concerning as it is actually farther away from Fukushima than Tokyo. This suggest that potentially deadly levels of radiation are still affecting large population centers across Japan, including those that are not even in close proximity to the Fukushima plant.
It is generally regarded that adult radiation workers should be exposed to no more than 50 millisieverts (mSv) of radiation per year in order to avoid serious health consequences. For children, this number is far lower, probably somewhere around 10 mSv, with this being on the high end. But the average adult and child eating these tainted foods at their current radiation levels will not only reach but exceed the safe maximum in just a few weeks.
New data released by Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) shows once again that the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster is far from over. Despite a complete media blackout on the current situation, levels of Cesium-137 (Cs-137) and Cesium-134 (Cs-134) found in produce and rice crackers located roughly 225 miles (~ 362 km) away from Fukushima are high enough to cause residents to exceed the annual radiation exposure limit in just a few months, or even weeks.
According to, which posts up-to-date information about the Fukushima disaster, rice crackers and tangerines produced in the Shizuoka prefecture are testing high for both Cs-137 and Cs-134. Rice crackers, according to the data sheet, tested at 3.7 Becquerels per kilogram (Bq/Kg) of Cs-137, while tangerines tested at 1.46 Bq/Kg of Cs-134 and 3.14 Bq/Kg of Cs-137.
The Shizuoka prefecture is located about 80 miles (~ 128 km) southwest of Tokyo, which is highly concerning as it is actually farther away from Fukushima than Tokyo. This suggest that potentially deadly levels of radiation are still affecting large population centers across Japan, including those that are not even in close proximity to the Fukushima plant.
It is generally regarded that adult radiation workers should be exposed to no more than 50 millisieverts (mSv) of radiation per year in order to avoid serious health consequences. For children, this number is far lower, probably somewhere around 10 mSv, with this being on the high end. But the average adult and child eating these tainted foods at their current radiation levels will not only reach but exceed the safe maximum in just a few weeks.
According to, which posts up-to-date information about the Fukushima disaster, rice crackers and tangerines produced in the Shizuoka prefecture are testing high for both Cs-137 and Cs-134. Rice crackers, according to the data sheet, tested at 3.7 Becquerels per kilogram (Bq/Kg) of Cs-137, while tangerines tested at 1.46 Bq/Kg of Cs-134 and 3.14 Bq/Kg of Cs-137.
The Shizuoka prefecture is located about 80 miles (~ 128 km) southwest of Tokyo, which is highly concerning as it is actually farther away from Fukushima than Tokyo. This suggest that potentially deadly levels of radiation are still affecting large population centers across Japan, including those that are not even in close proximity to the Fukushima plant.
It is generally regarded that adult radiation workers should be exposed to no more than 50 millisieverts (mSv) of radiation per year in order to avoid serious health consequences. For children, this number is far lower, probably somewhere around 10 mSv, with this being on the high end. But the average adult and child eating these tainted foods at their current radiation levels will not only reach but exceed the safe maximum in just a few weeks.
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relatar atividades culturais e reuniões da Academia de Letras José de Alencar - ALJA
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Fukushima: TEPCO Sucks! Decontamination Nightmare, Major EQ Predicted update 10/31/13
Publicado em 31/10/2013
Fukushima: TEPCO Sucks! Decontamination Nightmare, Major EQ Predicted update 10/31/13
Subscribe to MsMilkytheclown1
Major earthquake is predicted in Osaka earthquake with shaking of the Nankai Trough. Not looking good for all those other currently idled reactors... I'll bet they didn't take victims of Those nuclear reactor "problems" into their predicted death count number equation!
TEPCO sets November 8th as the day fuel rod extraction begins from "crippled, leaning, sinking, patchwork, exploded" reactor building #4 spent fuel pool.
Link to BeautifulGirlByDana's video mentioned at 12:07, click this link titled New Fukushima Radioactive Death Plumes begin decent on unsuspecting Canadians
A half ass explanation of the ALPS (advanced liquid processing system) and how it has and probably will fail again. Thousands of isotopes, and it can only remove a handful, before breaking down again.
This info just in and not included in today's update of video:
TEPCO posts 1st half-year profit since 2011 crisis
Tokyo Electric Power Company has reported its first mid-term profit since the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in 2011.
TEPCO posted on Thursday about 1.14 billion dollars in profits for the April-September period.
Sales for the period were nearly 32 billion dollars, up more than 12 percent from a year earlier, due to cost-cutting efforts as well as a rise in electricity rates.
Profits rose despite record fuel costs of about 14 billion dollars for thermal power generation due to the weaker yen and suspended operations at all its nuclear power plants.
The company put off repair work at other power plants and transmission facilities to cut spending by 3.7 million dollars. It also reduced labor costs by 1.8 million dollars from a year earlier.
TEPCO president Naomi Hirose told reporters the company still faces an uphill battle in its struggle with contaminated wastewater at the Fukushima plant.
But Hirose said the utility aims to post a profit for the full business year next March by further streamlining operations and postponing repair works until the next fiscal year.
$66 billion in reconstruction budget unspent
LDP panel seeks to find funds to scrap reactors
Test fishing off Japan to expand
Business leader calls for use of More Nuclear Reactors (oh, this is interesting, when i typed that last sentence, YouTube gave me "destruction" as a tag word suggestion...
A couple of the videos today came from, but I couldn't find the link again, sorry.
partial song at the end by Jonathan Mann called more than the sum of your parts #1699
I'm trying to keep it under 15 minutes so I didn't hit the eneheadlines today.
Latest Headlines:
US Energy Secretary: Tragic Fukushima event had "global consequences" — Report: Japan's Fukushima Daiichi plant "is world's worst nuclear disaster"
Celebrated Physician: Fukushima has humanity "on brink of a possible worldwide nuclear holocaust" — "The world as we know it has changed" — "Effects on our health are incomprehensible"
Anonymous Fukushima Workers: We dumped untested water last typhoon, could be criminal — 'Landmines' of extremely high radiation at many locations — Very worrying that I'm getting sick more now — "Site full of yakuza & rank amateurs"
TV: "Japan's worst nuclear nightmare" — Yale Professor: Removing fuel from Fukushima Unit 4 pool "has me very scared" — Tepco: "We believe it's not dangerous" (VIDEO)
"We've opened a door to hell" at Fukushima plant, and may never be able to close it — Radio Host: You mean that even with robots they don't know where the 3 reactor cores are? (AUDIO)
Japan Professor: Pregnant women get free new houses if they move back to Fukushima — Physician/Mayor: Children being severely harmed, must be evacuated; World has never come across situation like this (VIDEO)
Why are they 'speeding up' at Unit 4? — Expert in 2010: Megathrust quake to hit Fukushima ~Nov. 2013... Recurrence interval of 75 years with last rupture Nov. 1938 — Planet's most powerful type of seismic event — WSJ: Top official concerned quake to destabilize fuel pool
Warning from Japan's Top Nuclear Official: I am "much more worried" about fuel in Fukushima Unit 4 — Rods may break open and release highly radioactive material — Beware risks from debris, a disaster if damaged — Removal may start Nov. 8
Japan Gov't: "Unprecedented situation of radioactive pollution" from Fukushima disaster — "Intensive Contamination Areas" designated near downtown Tokyo, and officials there say health assistance for kids and pregnant women is needed (MAP)
Tokyo Mother: "Total media blackout" in Japan of lots and lots of people developing symptoms related to Fukushima disaster (VIDEO) — "Many cases of sickness and death among young generations" not reported
Subscribe to MsMilkytheclown1
Major earthquake is predicted in Osaka earthquake with shaking of the Nankai Trough. Not looking good for all those other currently idled reactors... I'll bet they didn't take victims of Those nuclear reactor "problems" into their predicted death count number equation!
TEPCO sets November 8th as the day fuel rod extraction begins from "crippled, leaning, sinking, patchwork, exploded" reactor building #4 spent fuel pool.
Link to BeautifulGirlByDana's video mentioned at 12:07, click this link titled New Fukushima Radioactive Death Plumes begin decent on unsuspecting Canadians
A half ass explanation of the ALPS (advanced liquid processing system) and how it has and probably will fail again. Thousands of isotopes, and it can only remove a handful, before breaking down again.
This info just in and not included in today's update of video:
TEPCO posts 1st half-year profit since 2011 crisis
Tokyo Electric Power Company has reported its first mid-term profit since the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in 2011.
TEPCO posted on Thursday about 1.14 billion dollars in profits for the April-September period.
Sales for the period were nearly 32 billion dollars, up more than 12 percent from a year earlier, due to cost-cutting efforts as well as a rise in electricity rates.
Profits rose despite record fuel costs of about 14 billion dollars for thermal power generation due to the weaker yen and suspended operations at all its nuclear power plants.
The company put off repair work at other power plants and transmission facilities to cut spending by 3.7 million dollars. It also reduced labor costs by 1.8 million dollars from a year earlier.
TEPCO president Naomi Hirose told reporters the company still faces an uphill battle in its struggle with contaminated wastewater at the Fukushima plant.
But Hirose said the utility aims to post a profit for the full business year next March by further streamlining operations and postponing repair works until the next fiscal year.
$66 billion in reconstruction budget unspent
LDP panel seeks to find funds to scrap reactors
Test fishing off Japan to expand
Business leader calls for use of More Nuclear Reactors (oh, this is interesting, when i typed that last sentence, YouTube gave me "destruction" as a tag word suggestion...
A couple of the videos today came from, but I couldn't find the link again, sorry.
partial song at the end by Jonathan Mann called more than the sum of your parts #1699
I'm trying to keep it under 15 minutes so I didn't hit the eneheadlines today.
Latest Headlines:
US Energy Secretary: Tragic Fukushima event had "global consequences" — Report: Japan's Fukushima Daiichi plant "is world's worst nuclear disaster"
Celebrated Physician: Fukushima has humanity "on brink of a possible worldwide nuclear holocaust" — "The world as we know it has changed" — "Effects on our health are incomprehensible"
Anonymous Fukushima Workers: We dumped untested water last typhoon, could be criminal — 'Landmines' of extremely high radiation at many locations — Very worrying that I'm getting sick more now — "Site full of yakuza & rank amateurs"
TV: "Japan's worst nuclear nightmare" — Yale Professor: Removing fuel from Fukushima Unit 4 pool "has me very scared" — Tepco: "We believe it's not dangerous" (VIDEO)
"We've opened a door to hell" at Fukushima plant, and may never be able to close it — Radio Host: You mean that even with robots they don't know where the 3 reactor cores are? (AUDIO)
Japan Professor: Pregnant women get free new houses if they move back to Fukushima — Physician/Mayor: Children being severely harmed, must be evacuated; World has never come across situation like this (VIDEO)
Why are they 'speeding up' at Unit 4? — Expert in 2010: Megathrust quake to hit Fukushima ~Nov. 2013... Recurrence interval of 75 years with last rupture Nov. 1938 — Planet's most powerful type of seismic event — WSJ: Top official concerned quake to destabilize fuel pool
Warning from Japan's Top Nuclear Official: I am "much more worried" about fuel in Fukushima Unit 4 — Rods may break open and release highly radioactive material — Beware risks from debris, a disaster if damaged — Removal may start Nov. 8
Japan Gov't: "Unprecedented situation of radioactive pollution" from Fukushima disaster — "Intensive Contamination Areas" designated near downtown Tokyo, and officials there say health assistance for kids and pregnant women is needed (MAP)
Tokyo Mother: "Total media blackout" in Japan of lots and lots of people developing symptoms related to Fukushima disaster (VIDEO) — "Many cases of sickness and death among young generations" not reported
Licença de atribuição Creative Commons(reutilização permitida)
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relatar atividades culturais e reuniões da Academia de Letras José de Alencar - ALJA
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Qual é a preparação para uma catástrofe mundial? FUKUSHIMA
Publicado em 01/11/2013
Published on Oct 31, 2013
Major earthquake is predicted in Osaka earthquake with shaking of the Nankai Trough. Not looking good for all those other currently idled reactors... I'll bet they didn't take victims of Those nuclear reactor "problems" into their predicted death count number equation!
TEPCO sets November 8th as the day fuel rod extraction begins from "crippled, leaning, sinking, patchwork, exploded" reactor building #4 spent fuel pool.
Link to BeautifulGirlByDana's video mentioned at 12:07, click this link titled New Fukushima Radioactive Death Plumes begin decent on unsuspecting Canadians
This info just in and not included in today's update of video:
TEPCO posts 1st half-year profit since 2011 crisis
Tokyo Electric Power Company has reported its first mid-term profit since the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in 2011.
TEPCO posted on Thursday about 1.14 billion dollars in profits for the April-September period.
Sales for the period were nearly 32 billion dollars, up more than 12 percent from a year earlier, due to cost-cutting efforts as well as a rise in electricity rates.
Profits rose despite record fuel costs of about 14 billion dollars for thermal power generation due to the weaker yen and suspended operations at all its nuclear power plants.
The company put off repair work at other power plants and transmission facilities to cut spending by 3.7 million dollars. It also reduced labor costs by 1.8 million dollars from a year earlier.
TEPCO president Naomi Hirose told reporters the company still faces an uphill battle in its struggle with contaminated wastewater at the Fukushima plant.
But Hirose said the utility aims to post a profit for the full business year next March by further streamlining operations and postponing repair works until the next fiscal year.
$66 billion in reconstruction budget unspent
LDP panel seeks to find funds to scrap reactors
Test fishing off Japan to expand
Business leader calls for use of More Nuclear Reactors (oh, this is interesting, when i typed that last sentence, YouTube gave me "destruction" as a tag word suggestion...
A couple of the videos today came from, but I couldn't find the link again, sorry.
partial song at the end by Jonathan Mann called more than the sum of your parts #1699
I'm trying to keep it under 15 minutes so I didn't hit the eneheadlines today.
Latest Headlines:
US Energy Secretary: Tragic Fukushima event had "global consequences" — Report: Japan's Fukushima Daiichi plant "is world's worst nuclear disaster"
Celebrated Physician: Fukushima has humanity "on brink of a possible worldwide nuclear holocaust" — "The world as we know it has changed" — "Effects on our health are incomprehensible"
Anonymous Fukushima Workers: We dumped untested water last typhoon, could be criminal — 'Landmines' of extremely high radiation at many locations — Very worrying that I'm getting sick more now — "Site full of yakuza & rank amateurs"
TV: "Japan's worst nuclear nightmare" — Yale Professor: Removing fuel from Fukushima Unit 4 pool "has me very scared" — Tepco: "We believe it's not dangerous" (VIDEO)
"We've opened a door to hell" at Fukushima plant, and may never be able to close it — Radio Host: You mean that even with robots they don't know where the 3 reactor cores are? (AUDIO)
Japan Professor: Pregnant women get free new houses if they move back to Fukushima — Physician/Mayor: Children being severely harmed, must be evacuated; World has never come across situation like this (VIDEO)
Why are they 'speeding up' at Unit 4? — Expert in 2010: Megathrust quake to hit Fukushima ~Nov. 2013... Recurrence interval of 75 years with last rupture Nov. 1938 — Planet's most powerful type of seismic event — WSJ: Top official concerned quake to destabilize fuel pool
Warning from Japan's Top Nuclear Official: I am "much more worried" about fuel in Fukushima Unit 4 — Rods may break open and release highly radioactive material — Beware risks from debris, a disaster if damaged — Removal may start Nov. 8
Japan Gov't: "Unprecedented situation of radioactive pollution" from Fukushima disaster — "Intensive Contamination Areas" designated near downtown Tokyo, and officials there say health assistance for kids and pregnant women is needed (MAP)
Tokyo Mother: "Total media blackout" in Japan of lots and lots of people developing symptoms related to Fukushima disaster (VIDEO) — "Many cases of sickness and death among young generations" not reported
For first time, officials admit to 'shortage of workers' at Fukushima — Tepco promises 'additional efforts' to get more — BBC reveals homeless people cleaning reactors and "modern slavery" in Japan nuclear industry... exactly 14 years ago
Published on Oct 31, 2013
Major earthquake is predicted in Osaka earthquake with shaking of the Nankai Trough. Not looking good for all those other currently idled reactors... I'll bet they didn't take victims of Those nuclear reactor "problems" into their predicted death count number equation!
TEPCO sets November 8th as the day fuel rod extraction begins from "crippled, leaning, sinking, patchwork, exploded" reactor building #4 spent fuel pool.
Link to BeautifulGirlByDana's video mentioned at 12:07, click this link titled New Fukushima Radioactive Death Plumes begin decent on unsuspecting Canadians
This info just in and not included in today's update of video:
TEPCO posts 1st half-year profit since 2011 crisis
Tokyo Electric Power Company has reported its first mid-term profit since the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in 2011.
TEPCO posted on Thursday about 1.14 billion dollars in profits for the April-September period.
Sales for the period were nearly 32 billion dollars, up more than 12 percent from a year earlier, due to cost-cutting efforts as well as a rise in electricity rates.
Profits rose despite record fuel costs of about 14 billion dollars for thermal power generation due to the weaker yen and suspended operations at all its nuclear power plants.
The company put off repair work at other power plants and transmission facilities to cut spending by 3.7 million dollars. It also reduced labor costs by 1.8 million dollars from a year earlier.
TEPCO president Naomi Hirose told reporters the company still faces an uphill battle in its struggle with contaminated wastewater at the Fukushima plant.
But Hirose said the utility aims to post a profit for the full business year next March by further streamlining operations and postponing repair works until the next fiscal year.
$66 billion in reconstruction budget unspent
LDP panel seeks to find funds to scrap reactors
Test fishing off Japan to expand
Business leader calls for use of More Nuclear Reactors (oh, this is interesting, when i typed that last sentence, YouTube gave me "destruction" as a tag word suggestion...
A couple of the videos today came from, but I couldn't find the link again, sorry.
partial song at the end by Jonathan Mann called more than the sum of your parts #1699
I'm trying to keep it under 15 minutes so I didn't hit the eneheadlines today.
Latest Headlines:
US Energy Secretary: Tragic Fukushima event had "global consequences" — Report: Japan's Fukushima Daiichi plant "is world's worst nuclear disaster"
Celebrated Physician: Fukushima has humanity "on brink of a possible worldwide nuclear holocaust" — "The world as we know it has changed" — "Effects on our health are incomprehensible"
Anonymous Fukushima Workers: We dumped untested water last typhoon, could be criminal — 'Landmines' of extremely high radiation at many locations — Very worrying that I'm getting sick more now — "Site full of yakuza & rank amateurs"
TV: "Japan's worst nuclear nightmare" — Yale Professor: Removing fuel from Fukushima Unit 4 pool "has me very scared" — Tepco: "We believe it's not dangerous" (VIDEO)
"We've opened a door to hell" at Fukushima plant, and may never be able to close it — Radio Host: You mean that even with robots they don't know where the 3 reactor cores are? (AUDIO)
Japan Professor: Pregnant women get free new houses if they move back to Fukushima — Physician/Mayor: Children being severely harmed, must be evacuated; World has never come across situation like this (VIDEO)
Why are they 'speeding up' at Unit 4? — Expert in 2010: Megathrust quake to hit Fukushima ~Nov. 2013... Recurrence interval of 75 years with last rupture Nov. 1938 — Planet's most powerful type of seismic event — WSJ: Top official concerned quake to destabilize fuel pool
Warning from Japan's Top Nuclear Official: I am "much more worried" about fuel in Fukushima Unit 4 — Rods may break open and release highly radioactive material — Beware risks from debris, a disaster if damaged — Removal may start Nov. 8
Japan Gov't: "Unprecedented situation of radioactive pollution" from Fukushima disaster — "Intensive Contamination Areas" designated near downtown Tokyo, and officials there say health assistance for kids and pregnant women is needed (MAP)
Tokyo Mother: "Total media blackout" in Japan of lots and lots of people developing symptoms related to Fukushima disaster (VIDEO) — "Many cases of sickness and death among young generations" not reported
For first time, officials admit to 'shortage of workers' at Fukushima — Tepco promises 'additional efforts' to get more — BBC reveals homeless people cleaning reactors and "modern slavery" in Japan nuclear industry... exactly 14 years ago
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sexta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2013
Após mais de 20 tremores, Defesa Civil manda esvaziar cidade do RN
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relatar atividades culturais e reuniões da Academia de Letras José de Alencar - ALJA
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Uranium-Contaminated Structures in the Navajo Nation
Enviado em 16/06/2009
Accessible version and more information:
EPA is concerned that structures, including homes, hogans and storage buildings on Navajo Nation land may have been constructed of contaminated materials from nearby uranium mines. A project is underway to assess and rebuild structures with elevated readings.
For more about EPA:
We accept comments according to our comment policy:
Disclaimer: The U.S. Government does not promote or endorse any non-Government or commercial content appearing on this page.
EPA is concerned that structures, including homes, hogans and storage buildings on Navajo Nation land may have been constructed of contaminated materials from nearby uranium mines. A project is underway to assess and rebuild structures with elevated readings.
For more about EPA:
We accept comments according to our comment policy:
Disclaimer: The U.S. Government does not promote or endorse any non-Government or commercial content appearing on this page.
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Del Amo Cleanup
Publicado em 02/11/2012
NOTE: If you need captions, please click the CC button on the player to turn them on.
Learn about the soil vapor extraction/bioventing system at the Del Amo Superfund Site, Waste Pits Area, in Los Angeles, California. See how it works to remove cancer-causing benzene from the soil, and how progress is measured.
For more information about Del Amo site, visit
For more about EPA:
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Disclaimer: The U.S. Government does not promote or endorse any non-Government or commercial content appearing on this page.
Learn about the soil vapor extraction/bioventing system at the Del Amo Superfund Site, Waste Pits Area, in Los Angeles, California. See how it works to remove cancer-causing benzene from the soil, and how progress is measured.
For more information about Del Amo site, visit
For more about EPA:
We accept comments according to our comment policy:
Disclaimer: The U.S. Government does not promote or endorse any non-Government or commercial content appearing on this page.
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U.S. EPA Mercury Capture System
Publicado em 20/08/2013
NOTE: If you need captions, please click the CC button on the player to turn them on.
This video describes a solution to the severe health risks caused by mercury emissions from small-scale gold processing. Small scale gold buying and refining facilities, or gold shops, located in over 55 countries throughout the world, are an important part of the artisanal and small-scale gold production process, and are a major cause of air pollution from mercury. EPA and Argonne National Laboratory worked together to design a low-cost mercury capture system that is simple to build and install, using locally available materials. The system reduces mercury emissions by at least 80 percent.
For more information about the Mercury Capture System, go to
For more about EPA visit:
We accept comments according to our comment policy:
This video describes a solution to the severe health risks caused by mercury emissions from small-scale gold processing. Small scale gold buying and refining facilities, or gold shops, located in over 55 countries throughout the world, are an important part of the artisanal and small-scale gold production process, and are a major cause of air pollution from mercury. EPA and Argonne National Laboratory worked together to design a low-cost mercury capture system that is simple to build and install, using locally available materials. The system reduces mercury emissions by at least 80 percent.
For more information about the Mercury Capture System, go to
For more about EPA visit:
We accept comments according to our comment policy:
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