Alertar para a necessidade de vigilância contra as grandes catástrofes, sejam elas naturais ou conseqüência do comportamento humano, e a importância da Sustentabilidade e cuidados com o Meio Ambiente. COVID e Educação, EAD, Teletrabalho e os impactos ambientais e sociais.
quinta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2013
O depoimento de um cidadão vitimado pelo chumbo - poluição - contaminação
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relatar atividades culturais e reuniões da Academia de Letras José de Alencar - ALJA
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1ª. Igreja Batista de CBA,
CE Alc. Fanaya,
Inst. Guer. Arte-Reabilitação,
quarta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2013
Competência e incompetência - exposição do lixo para coleta - Curitiba x Itajubá
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relatar atividades culturais e reuniões da Academia de Letras José de Alencar - ALJA
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domingo, 1 de dezembro de 2013
O Rio Ivo em Curitiba
O Rio Ivo em Curitiba
Uma amiga me pediu uma opinião
sobre o que fazer com o Rio Ivo, um dos muitos córregos e riachos que existem e
desaparecem sob nossos pés.
O tema é fascinante e merece
considerações amplas. É um ribeirão importante (a qualificação “rio” é
imprópria)? Quantas pessoas são afetadas pela sua existência? Afinal o que
fazer para reverter a poluição? Temos apenas restos fecais (Coliformes
e lixo? O que assusta: a cor e a viscosidade das águas ou um conjunto de
características visíveis e invisíveis? Existem? Seja qual for a dimensão dos
problemas e soluções, principalmente sendo pequeno e sob os nossos olhos, é
didático, pedagógico pensar e cuidar dele.
Se vamos fazer algo imaginamos a
questão: devemos ter preocupações com o Rio Ivo?
Os curitibanos são responsáveis?
Curitiba é uma cidade construída
sobre rios e ondulações que lhe deram, no início de sua história, condições de
aproveitar córregos, nascentes, umidade e topografia que lhe viabilizaram a
formação da grande cidade em franco desenvolvimento que é hoje. Essa facilidade
de viver entre rios e terras férteis além da posição geográfica a fizeram
forte, deram-lhe saúde.
Tinha também baixadas, fundos de
vale, áreas inadequadas até à proximidade humana, pois nesses ambientes além
dos sapos e répteis com certeza devem ter existido bons lugares para os
A cidade cresceu muito, tanto
pelo saneamento básico empreendido com a canalização, unificação e ocupação de
espaços, aterros e cortes que mudaram suas imagens de forma radical. Até lagos
artificiais construiu. Caprichosa e nunca satisfeita com sua forma natural,
vive fazendo plásticas.
Mudou muito, transforma-se
permanentemente em tudo o que é possível quanto por tudo o mais, que fazem
dessa cidade uma futura São Paulo, talvez tão degradada e agressiva
ambientalmente quanto a capital paulista.
O Rio Ivo, que nos apaixona pela
passagem ainda exposta em frente à sede do Centro de Letras, é um exemplo do
que pode existir quando o aprimoramento ambiental e sanitário perde espaço para
diretrizes oportunistas.
Nas cidades, em qualquer lugar do
mundo, a qualidade das águas é assunto sério. Rios e povoações formaram
simbioses ao longo da história, pois o ser humano aprendeu a usar circuitos
fluviais para o transporte de tudo e deles sempre dependeu para existir, afinal
a água é essencial à nossa sobrevivência.
Essa dependência antiga e
modismos atuais geraram preocupações sensatas e outras midiáticas.
Meio ambiente, ecologia,
qualidade de vida para os seres humanos e cuidados com todos os seres vivos que
o cercam é, contudo, uma imposição de boa ética, seja ela baseada em morais e
filosofias metafísicas ou bem concretas. Ética? Podemos assim dizer para criar uma
proposta de comportamento positiva do mais simples na vida de qualquer ser
vivo: existir.
Nossos rios já merecem os
cuidados de repartições públicas, universidades e até em escolas do nível
básico, são temas mundiais e locais com destaque em leis, decretos, livros, ONGs,
repartições públicas, campanhas, blogs e portais [ (Cuide dos
Rios) ,
(Associação dos Moradores e Amigos do São Lourenço) , (Bollmann) exemplificando].
Infelizmente o tema meio ambiente
está a anos luz de distância de uma cultura e diretrizes razoáveis. A ausência
de uma ordem universal para o ser humano talvez explique a falta de coerência
de muitos militantes e a miopia de quem decide.
Questões morais e éticas são
complexas, dependem de crenças e convicções. Na Engenharia, contudo, pode-se
fazer afirmações inquestionáveis, independentes das crenças individuais. A
Medicina, a Sociologia, muitas ciências e profissões já contêm elementos para
lastrear decisões, mas quando tratamos de Leis da Natureza não encontramos
alternativas, é ou não é. Assim precisamos assimilar o que aprendemos e
corrigir atitudes para a construção de um futuro melhor.
Com certeza a sobrevivência
humana depende da aplicação de estratégias com bases holísticas,
interdisciplinares. Exatamente por isso as dificuldades enfrentadas, afinal a
consciência ampla da importância da sustentabilidade é fato recente,
inédito. A Humanidade gastou muito tempo
se preparando para morrer, esqueceu-se de viver e ajustar a Terra para gerações
futuras, afinal o fim do mundo era próximo...
E a poluição? Esse é um tema
inacreditavelmente mal definido, conceituado. Lamentavelmente tornou-se
importante à mídia política, pessoal, coletiva, industrial, moral etc. Que
desastre! Marquetagem irrefreada inibe a racionalidade. É até divertido ler e
ver a imprecisão na Wikipédia da expressão do verbete (Poluição) de onde extraímos “Por poluição entende-se
a introdução pelo homem, direta ou indiretamente de substâncias ou energia (destaque nosso) no ambiente,
provocando um efeito negativo no seu equilíbrio, causando assim danos na saúde
humana, nos seres vivos e no ecossistema ali
Energia é ou pode ser poluição?
A Natureza, o meio ambiente se
transforma permanentemente por inúmeras razões. Qualquer “crime” de todos perde
capacidade de motivação. Leva a ações diversionistas, a comportamentos
superficiais. Diante do inevitável, o que fazer? Simplesmente existindo o ser
humano altera o meio ambiente, assim como os dinossauros o fizeram e as baratas
continuam produzindo. Energia? Que
palavra mal usada, o grau de ignorância pode ser aferido por aí.
Devemos medir e identificar
fatores de poluição, visíveis e invisíveis. Exatamente aí a água[1]
é um ambiente notável pela capacidade que tem de dissolver, conter, transportar
metais pesados, substâncias tóxicas, radioativas, etc., lixo, venenos de
diversas espécies, alguns já identificados e passíveis de medição e ações
corretivas, outros não[2].
No Paraná temos o exemplo de
Adrianópolis (BARROS, 2008) que é uma pílula
diante do que existiu no Japão (Desastre de Minamata) e vemos acontecer em
Felizmente e gradativamente
cria-se uma cultura técnica objetiva que precisa ser conhecida e debatida
intensamente. Encontramos trabalhos para diversos padrões culturais que merecem
leitura atenta [(Poluentes inorgânicos - Fontes de emissão - Química
das águas QFL 3201, ) , (Poluição Ambiental por metais, 2012) ].
É triste saber que o Rio Iguaçu é
o segundo rio mais poluído do Brasil [ (Rios mais poluídos do Brasil) entre os grandes
cursos d’água sujeitos a monitoração] e lembrar o que aconteceu em suas margens
ao longo do século 20, quando a industrialização na Região Metropolitana de
Curitiba veio ocupando áreas de preservação ambiental, a invasão e ocupação de
baixadas e estagnação recente da concessionária de saneamento básico absorvida
por diretrizes e questões secundárias atrasou programas essenciais. À jusante o
desmatamento desenfreado e a utilização aleatória da terra fez o resto.
Os rios paranaenses mostram agudamente
os efeitos da agricultura, pecuária e da agroindústria sem vigilância e
respeito ao meio ambiente e a omissão de autoridades que poderiam agir de forma
Em Curitiba e RMC bairros
inteiros apareceram em regiões extremamente sensíveis, pois estão em fundos de
vale, áreas planas e todas em torno das nascentes do Rio Iguaçu. Ou seja, o
saneamento básico dessas regiões cresce exponencialmente de custos. A jusante o
Iguaçu quase para, espraia-se num ecossistema que mereceria máximo respeito.
O Rio Iguaçu não desce a serra
para o leste, ao contrário, inflete para o interior, oeste.
Em Curitiba e sua Região
Metropolitana grande parte de seu território não mostra desnível natural, o
lençol freático é baixo, o crescimento da ocupação do solo não foi disciplinado
com rigor, o Rio Iguaçu está praticamente em suas nascentes e a RMC continua
atraindo migrantes dentro de um processo de crescimento acelerado. Análises e
classificações técnicas merecem considerações circunstanciais (RANKING DO SANEAMENTO - INSTITUTO TRATA BRASIL -
RESULTADOS COM BASE NO SNIS, 2011) , pois seus autores
normalmente ignoram catástrofes humanas e naturais que inibiram bons serviços e
empreendimentos essenciais... A realidade, contudo, é cruel.
Qualquer aglomeração humana tem
limites de desenvolvimento (ANDREOLI,
DALARMI, LARA, & ANDREOLI) exceto se puder
pagar por soluções extravagantemente mais caras. As grandes e belas cidades que
conhecemos surgiram em tempos de exploração de colônias e/ou de seu próprio
povo, inviabilizando moradores antigos à medida que os impostos, os alugueis e
até a pura e simples segregação redistribuíram moradores. A capital de São
Paulo discute agora, por exemplo, essa questão, quando decide aumentar impostos
para poder pagar serviços essenciais à megalópole.
O intrigante é ainda não termos
no Brasil uma estratégia de descentralização de seu desenvolvimento e formação
de núcleos urbanos. O (Programa
Mais Médicos)
mostrou, demonstrou, viabilizou a compreensão cabal, material e inequívoca dos
piores efeitos da política de concentração humana no litoral e em torno de
poucas cidades no interior. O Brasil tem espaços já degradados onde a reinstalação
de capitais de estado, sugerindo, poderia induzir uma frenagem urgente em
capitais que agora demandam bilhões de reais para ajustarem seus serviços
essenciais, sempre insuficientes e ruins, de modo geral. Novas tecnologias e
critérios de urbanização aparecem [ (Cascaes, Brasil 2050) , (Cascaes, Reurbanização Inclusiva) , (Bike Way
by the World Exemplos, modelos para todos) etc.]; demandam
tempo, contudo, para um bom amadurecimento. Nada impede, entretanto, que a
sensatez volte à cabeça de nossos líderes e eles assumam posturas racionais e
atinentes à sustentabilidade necessária, possível e justa.
O Brasil é um país em construção
e pode evitar desastres advindos de atividades mal fiscalizadas, improvisadas e
sem planejamento. O século 21 será complexo e com o nível de conhecimentos já
existente não teremos o direito à ignorância.
O desafio da sustentabilidade é
complexo e demanda tremenda vontade política para ser vencido.
A compreensão da saturação
ambiental e a percepção de sua dimensão é fato novo, valorizado após o final de
intermináveis estratégias militares que criaram processos gigantescos de mútua
destruição em tempos de guerras “quentes” e “frias”. Quantas bombas atômicas e
de hidrogênio foram detonadas? Quantos arsenais estáticos e móveis (submarinos,
aviões, navios) ainda existem?
A insensatez humana não tem limites e se
manifesta até em atitudes mínimas de seu dia a dia. O consumismo é
flagrantemente agressivo ao meio ambiente. A obsolescência que é planejada até
pelos governos atrelados a lógicas capitalistas irresponsáveis produz mais e
mais automóveis, celulares, televisores, roupas, etc., tudo é feito não porque
realmente precisamos disso ou daquilo, mas para engrenar um mundo que não sabe
(ou não quer) encontrar alternativas de viabilização econômica da vida humana
de forma sustentável.
É interessa lembrar, por exemplo,
que a vida útil e a eficácia de sistemas de esgoto e até de energia dependem
muito da manutenção (Esgotamento
Sanitário - Operação e manutenção de redes coletoras de esgotos) e utilização
planejada, o desprezo pela manutenção e hábitos adequados pode simplesmente
entupir ou reduzir drasticamente a vazão (Bola de gordura gigante é
retirada do esgoto em Londres, 2013) . Encanamentos
entopem de forma semelhante às nossas coronárias e a constelação de usinas,
fontes de combustíveis etc. serão obras e programas em expansão intermináveis
se não soubermos evitar desperdícios. Adianta reclamar de hidrelétricas quando
não cuidamos nem de desligar luzes inúteis?
Chegamos, pois, a um ponto de
compreensão, constatação e decisões estratégicas que no futuro serão apontadas
como bem aplicadas ou não.
Queremos inviabilizar o futuro de
nossos descendentes? Se não, se desejamos sobreviver é hora de mudanças de
rumos e de valorização da vida humana, se isso for importante realmente.
Nossos rios merecem respeito.
E o Rio Ivo?
Com certeza ele e outros merecem
campanhas de vigilância e ações de manutenção de qualidade e valorização de
tudo o que depende deles.
Todos os rios eram ambientes
ricos em plantas, peixes, animais em seu entorno. O Rio Ivo, tributário do Rio
Belém que por sua vez deságua no Rio Iguaçu, este se jogando majestosamente no
Rio Paraná que lá longe formará o Rio da Prata em parceria com o Rio Paraguai para,
finalmente, chegar ao Oceano Atlântico é, portanto, um modesto contribuinte de
uma bacia hidrográfica gigantesca, sul americana por excelência.
É pouco pensar apenas no Rio Ivo,
mas é muito importante educar, ensinar tendo um laboratório tão perto de nós
que vivemos na capital do Paraná.
Para começar deveríamos pedir e
promover análises físicas e químicas e biológicas desse riacho ao longo de seu
curso. O que apresenta? Que mistérios escondem as suas águas?
Paralelamente valeria a pena
conhecer melhor a RMC. Visitas, fotografias, filmes e reportagens podem formar
um arquivo sentimental, técnico e educativo. Que tal um concurso de imagens,
sons, textos, livros?
Produzir livros e blogs é fácil
para aqueles que sabem escrever e pensar. O fundamental é introduzir na mente
de todos mais conhecimentos necessários à importantíssima cidadania que
esperamos encontrar entre pessoas amantes do lugar em que vivem. Mais ainda,
não podemos perder tempo, temos que agir.
Tudo com certeza demanda um
esforço de convencimento, persuasão.
O Rio Ivo tem história, ele e o
Belém foram cobertos, canalizados para a viabilização de Curitiba. Quando?
Como? O que acontecia e agora o que existe?
Os mais velhos devem até possuir
fotografias que poderiam entrar para um acervo de utilidade pública além de
ponderações valiosas, opiniões que poderão ser registradas até em filmes e
colocadas em blogs e portais para acesso irrestrito de todos que se interessam
pelo meio ambiente.
Uma coleção de trabalhos pode
surgir a partir de uma liderança proativa e cidadã.
É só querer, querer é poder como
não cansa de dizer nosso Companheiro do Lions Clube de Curitiba Batel,
Professor Tosihiro ida.
Bola de gordura gigante é retirada do esgoto em
Londres. (7 de 8 de 2013). Fonte:
Água e Saúde.
(s.d.). Fonte: USP:
Aline Nardi, A. S. (s.d.). Poluentes inorgânicos -
Fontes de emissão - Química das águas QFL 3201, . Fonte: USP:
Bike Way by the
World Exemplos, modelos para todos. (s.d.). Fonte: Bike Way by the World Exemplos,
modelos para todos:
Cascaes, J. C. (s.d.). Fonte: Reurbanização Inclusiva:
Cascaes, J. C. (s.d.). Fonte: Brasil 2050:
Coliformes Fecais. (s.d.). Fonte: Wikipédia:
Cuide dos Rios. (s.d.). Fonte: cuide dos rios:
Desastre de Minamata. (s.d.). Fonte: Wikipédia:
Gesner Oliveira, P. S. (2011). RANKING DO
Trata Brasil:
Júnior, I. V. (s.d.). Esgotamento Sanitário -
Operação e manutenção de redes coletoras de esgotos. Fonte: UNIPAC:
Leme, C. P. (s.d.). Associação dos Moradores e
Amigos do São Lourenço. Fonte: AMA São Lourenço:
NASCENTES, C. (2012). Poluição Ambiental por metais.
Fonte: Ambiental Sustentável:
(s.d.). Fonte: Wikipédia:
Programa Mais Médicos. (s.d.). Fonte: Portal da Saúde:
Rios mais poluídos do Brasil. (s.d.). Fonte: Pensamento Verde:
[1] Grande parte das doenças que
se alastram pelos países em desenvolvimento são provenientes da água de
qualidade insatisfatória. As doenças podem ser de transmissão hídrica ou de
origem hídrica. E são causadas por agentes químicos ou biológicos.
[2] A variedade de contaminantes
é enorme, e os mais importantes são os metais pesados (como chumbo, arsênio,
cádmio e mercúrio); agrotóxicos (nitratos, compostos organoclorados,
organofosforados ou carbamatos) e compostos orgânicos voláteis (como produtos
combustíveis e solventes halogenados).
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domingo, 10 de novembro de 2013
Passagem do tufão Haiyan pelas Filipinas deixa mais de 10 mil mortos
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Unicef diz que tufão pode ter afetado 4 milhões de crianças nas Filipinas
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Quando a Humanidade será capaz de se defender?
Quando um SOS internacional será capaz de agir com eficácia?
Quando usaremos a tecnologia a favor da Humanidade em momentos de catástrofes?
Será que Forças Armadas serão apenas para a morte?
Quando usaremos a tecnologia a favor da Humanidade em momentos de catástrofes?
Será que Forças Armadas serão apenas para a morte?
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sábado, 9 de novembro de 2013
Cientistas advertem sobre maior probabilidade de impactos de asteroides
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O ser humano e suas prioridades
Infelizmente enquanto enfrentamos a dispersão provocada pela mídia e modismos a serviço de conveniências industriais, comerciais e financeiras (agiotagem), questões reais são esquecidas.
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quinta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2013
Prefeituras ignoram o risco de desastres
Prefeituras ignoram o risco de desastres: O verão ainda não chegou, mas o Paraná já teve uma amostra do que a temporada de chuvas pode trazer ao estado, com a ocorrências de vendavais, enchentes e granizo nos últimos meses. O problema é que poucas prefeituras despertaram para a necessidade de uma...
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Nossas comunidades, cidades, estados etc. estão preparados para grandes catástrofes? Sabem o que é Defesa Civil?
O crescimento absurdamente acelerado de nossas cidades, principalmente, criou polos extremamente frágeis diante de grandes catástrofes.
No Brasil imensas barragens, as usinas nucleares de Angra dos Reis, prédios gigantescos, vias estreitas e entre desfiladeiros de prédios, a fragilidade sanitária, aeroportos que trazem e levam multidões em poucas horas, a possibilidade de epidemias semelhantes à Gripe Espanhola (ou piores) etc. além de fenômenos naturais catastróficos não serão suportados por nenhuma unidade intitulada "Defesa Civil"".
Não se espera eficácia 100%, mas estamos muito longe de níveis razoáveis.
As únicas catástrofes temidas são aquelas que a FEBRABAN e o Banco Central imaginam...
A grande mídia nacional, formadora de opiniões e modismos, está a serviço de patrocinadores poderosos ou escrava de temores atávicos.
Em tempo, a Constituição federal de 1988 viabiliza a ditadura federal.
No Brasil imensas barragens, as usinas nucleares de Angra dos Reis, prédios gigantescos, vias estreitas e entre desfiladeiros de prédios, a fragilidade sanitária, aeroportos que trazem e levam multidões em poucas horas, a possibilidade de epidemias semelhantes à Gripe Espanhola (ou piores) etc. além de fenômenos naturais catastróficos não serão suportados por nenhuma unidade intitulada "Defesa Civil"".
Não se espera eficácia 100%, mas estamos muito longe de níveis razoáveis.
As únicas catástrofes temidas são aquelas que a FEBRABAN e o Banco Central imaginam...
A grande mídia nacional, formadora de opiniões e modismos, está a serviço de patrocinadores poderosos ou escrava de temores atávicos.
Em tempo, a Constituição federal de 1988 viabiliza a ditadura federal.
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2 comentários:
quarta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2013
Publicado em 29/10/2013
New data released by Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) shows once again that the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster is far from over. Despite a complete media blackout on the current situation, levels of Cesium-137 (Cs-137) and Cesium-134 (Cs-134) found in produce and rice crackers located roughly 225 miles (~ 362 km) away from Fukushima are high enough to cause residents to exceed the annual radiation exposure limit in just a few months, or even weeks.
According to, which posts up-to-date information about the Fukushima disaster, rice crackers and tangerines produced in the Shizuoka prefecture are testing high for both Cs-137 and Cs-134. Rice crackers, according to the data sheet, tested at 3.7 Becquerels per kilogram (Bq/Kg) of Cs-137, while tangerines tested at 1.46 Bq/Kg of Cs-134 and 3.14 Bq/Kg of Cs-137.
The Shizuoka prefecture is located about 80 miles (~ 128 km) southwest of Tokyo, which is highly concerning as it is actually farther away from Fukushima than Tokyo. This suggest that potentially deadly levels of radiation are still affecting large population centers across Japan, including those that are not even in close proximity to the Fukushima plant.
It is generally regarded that adult radiation workers should be exposed to no more than 50 millisieverts (mSv) of radiation per year in order to avoid serious health consequences. For children, this number is far lower, probably somewhere around 10 mSv, with this being on the high end. But the average adult and child eating these tainted foods at their current radiation levels will not only reach but exceed the safe maximum in just a few weeks.
New data released by Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) shows once again that the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster is far from over. Despite a complete media blackout on the current situation, levels of Cesium-137 (Cs-137) and Cesium-134 (Cs-134) found in produce and rice crackers located roughly 225 miles (~ 362 km) away from Fukushima are high enough to cause residents to exceed the annual radiation exposure limit in just a few months, or even weeks.
According to, which posts up-to-date information about the Fukushima disaster, rice crackers and tangerines produced in the Shizuoka prefecture are testing high for both Cs-137 and Cs-134. Rice crackers, according to the data sheet, tested at 3.7 Becquerels per kilogram (Bq/Kg) of Cs-137, while tangerines tested at 1.46 Bq/Kg of Cs-134 and 3.14 Bq/Kg of Cs-137.
The Shizuoka prefecture is located about 80 miles (~ 128 km) southwest of Tokyo, which is highly concerning as it is actually farther away from Fukushima than Tokyo. This suggest that potentially deadly levels of radiation are still affecting large population centers across Japan, including those that are not even in close proximity to the Fukushima plant.
It is generally regarded that adult radiation workers should be exposed to no more than 50 millisieverts (mSv) of radiation per year in order to avoid serious health consequences. For children, this number is far lower, probably somewhere around 10 mSv, with this being on the high end. But the average adult and child eating these tainted foods at their current radiation levels will not only reach but exceed the safe maximum in just a few weeks.
According to, which posts up-to-date information about the Fukushima disaster, rice crackers and tangerines produced in the Shizuoka prefecture are testing high for both Cs-137 and Cs-134. Rice crackers, according to the data sheet, tested at 3.7 Becquerels per kilogram (Bq/Kg) of Cs-137, while tangerines tested at 1.46 Bq/Kg of Cs-134 and 3.14 Bq/Kg of Cs-137.
The Shizuoka prefecture is located about 80 miles (~ 128 km) southwest of Tokyo, which is highly concerning as it is actually farther away from Fukushima than Tokyo. This suggest that potentially deadly levels of radiation are still affecting large population centers across Japan, including those that are not even in close proximity to the Fukushima plant.
It is generally regarded that adult radiation workers should be exposed to no more than 50 millisieverts (mSv) of radiation per year in order to avoid serious health consequences. For children, this number is far lower, probably somewhere around 10 mSv, with this being on the high end. But the average adult and child eating these tainted foods at their current radiation levels will not only reach but exceed the safe maximum in just a few weeks.
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Fukushima: TEPCO Sucks! Decontamination Nightmare, Major EQ Predicted update 10/31/13
Publicado em 31/10/2013
Fukushima: TEPCO Sucks! Decontamination Nightmare, Major EQ Predicted update 10/31/13
Subscribe to MsMilkytheclown1
Major earthquake is predicted in Osaka earthquake with shaking of the Nankai Trough. Not looking good for all those other currently idled reactors... I'll bet they didn't take victims of Those nuclear reactor "problems" into their predicted death count number equation!
TEPCO sets November 8th as the day fuel rod extraction begins from "crippled, leaning, sinking, patchwork, exploded" reactor building #4 spent fuel pool.
Link to BeautifulGirlByDana's video mentioned at 12:07, click this link titled New Fukushima Radioactive Death Plumes begin decent on unsuspecting Canadians
A half ass explanation of the ALPS (advanced liquid processing system) and how it has and probably will fail again. Thousands of isotopes, and it can only remove a handful, before breaking down again.
This info just in and not included in today's update of video:
TEPCO posts 1st half-year profit since 2011 crisis
Tokyo Electric Power Company has reported its first mid-term profit since the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in 2011.
TEPCO posted on Thursday about 1.14 billion dollars in profits for the April-September period.
Sales for the period were nearly 32 billion dollars, up more than 12 percent from a year earlier, due to cost-cutting efforts as well as a rise in electricity rates.
Profits rose despite record fuel costs of about 14 billion dollars for thermal power generation due to the weaker yen and suspended operations at all its nuclear power plants.
The company put off repair work at other power plants and transmission facilities to cut spending by 3.7 million dollars. It also reduced labor costs by 1.8 million dollars from a year earlier.
TEPCO president Naomi Hirose told reporters the company still faces an uphill battle in its struggle with contaminated wastewater at the Fukushima plant.
But Hirose said the utility aims to post a profit for the full business year next March by further streamlining operations and postponing repair works until the next fiscal year.
$66 billion in reconstruction budget unspent
LDP panel seeks to find funds to scrap reactors
Test fishing off Japan to expand
Business leader calls for use of More Nuclear Reactors (oh, this is interesting, when i typed that last sentence, YouTube gave me "destruction" as a tag word suggestion...
A couple of the videos today came from, but I couldn't find the link again, sorry.
partial song at the end by Jonathan Mann called more than the sum of your parts #1699
I'm trying to keep it under 15 minutes so I didn't hit the eneheadlines today.
Latest Headlines:
US Energy Secretary: Tragic Fukushima event had "global consequences" — Report: Japan's Fukushima Daiichi plant "is world's worst nuclear disaster"
Celebrated Physician: Fukushima has humanity "on brink of a possible worldwide nuclear holocaust" — "The world as we know it has changed" — "Effects on our health are incomprehensible"
Anonymous Fukushima Workers: We dumped untested water last typhoon, could be criminal — 'Landmines' of extremely high radiation at many locations — Very worrying that I'm getting sick more now — "Site full of yakuza & rank amateurs"
TV: "Japan's worst nuclear nightmare" — Yale Professor: Removing fuel from Fukushima Unit 4 pool "has me very scared" — Tepco: "We believe it's not dangerous" (VIDEO)
"We've opened a door to hell" at Fukushima plant, and may never be able to close it — Radio Host: You mean that even with robots they don't know where the 3 reactor cores are? (AUDIO)
Japan Professor: Pregnant women get free new houses if they move back to Fukushima — Physician/Mayor: Children being severely harmed, must be evacuated; World has never come across situation like this (VIDEO)
Why are they 'speeding up' at Unit 4? — Expert in 2010: Megathrust quake to hit Fukushima ~Nov. 2013... Recurrence interval of 75 years with last rupture Nov. 1938 — Planet's most powerful type of seismic event — WSJ: Top official concerned quake to destabilize fuel pool
Warning from Japan's Top Nuclear Official: I am "much more worried" about fuel in Fukushima Unit 4 — Rods may break open and release highly radioactive material — Beware risks from debris, a disaster if damaged — Removal may start Nov. 8
Japan Gov't: "Unprecedented situation of radioactive pollution" from Fukushima disaster — "Intensive Contamination Areas" designated near downtown Tokyo, and officials there say health assistance for kids and pregnant women is needed (MAP)
Tokyo Mother: "Total media blackout" in Japan of lots and lots of people developing symptoms related to Fukushima disaster (VIDEO) — "Many cases of sickness and death among young generations" not reported
Subscribe to MsMilkytheclown1
Major earthquake is predicted in Osaka earthquake with shaking of the Nankai Trough. Not looking good for all those other currently idled reactors... I'll bet they didn't take victims of Those nuclear reactor "problems" into their predicted death count number equation!
TEPCO sets November 8th as the day fuel rod extraction begins from "crippled, leaning, sinking, patchwork, exploded" reactor building #4 spent fuel pool.
Link to BeautifulGirlByDana's video mentioned at 12:07, click this link titled New Fukushima Radioactive Death Plumes begin decent on unsuspecting Canadians
A half ass explanation of the ALPS (advanced liquid processing system) and how it has and probably will fail again. Thousands of isotopes, and it can only remove a handful, before breaking down again.
This info just in and not included in today's update of video:
TEPCO posts 1st half-year profit since 2011 crisis
Tokyo Electric Power Company has reported its first mid-term profit since the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in 2011.
TEPCO posted on Thursday about 1.14 billion dollars in profits for the April-September period.
Sales for the period were nearly 32 billion dollars, up more than 12 percent from a year earlier, due to cost-cutting efforts as well as a rise in electricity rates.
Profits rose despite record fuel costs of about 14 billion dollars for thermal power generation due to the weaker yen and suspended operations at all its nuclear power plants.
The company put off repair work at other power plants and transmission facilities to cut spending by 3.7 million dollars. It also reduced labor costs by 1.8 million dollars from a year earlier.
TEPCO president Naomi Hirose told reporters the company still faces an uphill battle in its struggle with contaminated wastewater at the Fukushima plant.
But Hirose said the utility aims to post a profit for the full business year next March by further streamlining operations and postponing repair works until the next fiscal year.
$66 billion in reconstruction budget unspent
LDP panel seeks to find funds to scrap reactors
Test fishing off Japan to expand
Business leader calls for use of More Nuclear Reactors (oh, this is interesting, when i typed that last sentence, YouTube gave me "destruction" as a tag word suggestion...
A couple of the videos today came from, but I couldn't find the link again, sorry.
partial song at the end by Jonathan Mann called more than the sum of your parts #1699
I'm trying to keep it under 15 minutes so I didn't hit the eneheadlines today.
Latest Headlines:
US Energy Secretary: Tragic Fukushima event had "global consequences" — Report: Japan's Fukushima Daiichi plant "is world's worst nuclear disaster"
Celebrated Physician: Fukushima has humanity "on brink of a possible worldwide nuclear holocaust" — "The world as we know it has changed" — "Effects on our health are incomprehensible"
Anonymous Fukushima Workers: We dumped untested water last typhoon, could be criminal — 'Landmines' of extremely high radiation at many locations — Very worrying that I'm getting sick more now — "Site full of yakuza & rank amateurs"
TV: "Japan's worst nuclear nightmare" — Yale Professor: Removing fuel from Fukushima Unit 4 pool "has me very scared" — Tepco: "We believe it's not dangerous" (VIDEO)
"We've opened a door to hell" at Fukushima plant, and may never be able to close it — Radio Host: You mean that even with robots they don't know where the 3 reactor cores are? (AUDIO)
Japan Professor: Pregnant women get free new houses if they move back to Fukushima — Physician/Mayor: Children being severely harmed, must be evacuated; World has never come across situation like this (VIDEO)
Why are they 'speeding up' at Unit 4? — Expert in 2010: Megathrust quake to hit Fukushima ~Nov. 2013... Recurrence interval of 75 years with last rupture Nov. 1938 — Planet's most powerful type of seismic event — WSJ: Top official concerned quake to destabilize fuel pool
Warning from Japan's Top Nuclear Official: I am "much more worried" about fuel in Fukushima Unit 4 — Rods may break open and release highly radioactive material — Beware risks from debris, a disaster if damaged — Removal may start Nov. 8
Japan Gov't: "Unprecedented situation of radioactive pollution" from Fukushima disaster — "Intensive Contamination Areas" designated near downtown Tokyo, and officials there say health assistance for kids and pregnant women is needed (MAP)
Tokyo Mother: "Total media blackout" in Japan of lots and lots of people developing symptoms related to Fukushima disaster (VIDEO) — "Many cases of sickness and death among young generations" not reported
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relatar atividades culturais e reuniões da Academia de Letras José de Alencar - ALJA
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Qual é a preparação para uma catástrofe mundial? FUKUSHIMA
Publicado em 01/11/2013
Published on Oct 31, 2013
Major earthquake is predicted in Osaka earthquake with shaking of the Nankai Trough. Not looking good for all those other currently idled reactors... I'll bet they didn't take victims of Those nuclear reactor "problems" into their predicted death count number equation!
TEPCO sets November 8th as the day fuel rod extraction begins from "crippled, leaning, sinking, patchwork, exploded" reactor building #4 spent fuel pool.
Link to BeautifulGirlByDana's video mentioned at 12:07, click this link titled New Fukushima Radioactive Death Plumes begin decent on unsuspecting Canadians
This info just in and not included in today's update of video:
TEPCO posts 1st half-year profit since 2011 crisis
Tokyo Electric Power Company has reported its first mid-term profit since the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in 2011.
TEPCO posted on Thursday about 1.14 billion dollars in profits for the April-September period.
Sales for the period were nearly 32 billion dollars, up more than 12 percent from a year earlier, due to cost-cutting efforts as well as a rise in electricity rates.
Profits rose despite record fuel costs of about 14 billion dollars for thermal power generation due to the weaker yen and suspended operations at all its nuclear power plants.
The company put off repair work at other power plants and transmission facilities to cut spending by 3.7 million dollars. It also reduced labor costs by 1.8 million dollars from a year earlier.
TEPCO president Naomi Hirose told reporters the company still faces an uphill battle in its struggle with contaminated wastewater at the Fukushima plant.
But Hirose said the utility aims to post a profit for the full business year next March by further streamlining operations and postponing repair works until the next fiscal year.
$66 billion in reconstruction budget unspent
LDP panel seeks to find funds to scrap reactors
Test fishing off Japan to expand
Business leader calls for use of More Nuclear Reactors (oh, this is interesting, when i typed that last sentence, YouTube gave me "destruction" as a tag word suggestion...
A couple of the videos today came from, but I couldn't find the link again, sorry.
partial song at the end by Jonathan Mann called more than the sum of your parts #1699
I'm trying to keep it under 15 minutes so I didn't hit the eneheadlines today.
Latest Headlines:
US Energy Secretary: Tragic Fukushima event had "global consequences" — Report: Japan's Fukushima Daiichi plant "is world's worst nuclear disaster"
Celebrated Physician: Fukushima has humanity "on brink of a possible worldwide nuclear holocaust" — "The world as we know it has changed" — "Effects on our health are incomprehensible"
Anonymous Fukushima Workers: We dumped untested water last typhoon, could be criminal — 'Landmines' of extremely high radiation at many locations — Very worrying that I'm getting sick more now — "Site full of yakuza & rank amateurs"
TV: "Japan's worst nuclear nightmare" — Yale Professor: Removing fuel from Fukushima Unit 4 pool "has me very scared" — Tepco: "We believe it's not dangerous" (VIDEO)
"We've opened a door to hell" at Fukushima plant, and may never be able to close it — Radio Host: You mean that even with robots they don't know where the 3 reactor cores are? (AUDIO)
Japan Professor: Pregnant women get free new houses if they move back to Fukushima — Physician/Mayor: Children being severely harmed, must be evacuated; World has never come across situation like this (VIDEO)
Why are they 'speeding up' at Unit 4? — Expert in 2010: Megathrust quake to hit Fukushima ~Nov. 2013... Recurrence interval of 75 years with last rupture Nov. 1938 — Planet's most powerful type of seismic event — WSJ: Top official concerned quake to destabilize fuel pool
Warning from Japan's Top Nuclear Official: I am "much more worried" about fuel in Fukushima Unit 4 — Rods may break open and release highly radioactive material — Beware risks from debris, a disaster if damaged — Removal may start Nov. 8
Japan Gov't: "Unprecedented situation of radioactive pollution" from Fukushima disaster — "Intensive Contamination Areas" designated near downtown Tokyo, and officials there say health assistance for kids and pregnant women is needed (MAP)
Tokyo Mother: "Total media blackout" in Japan of lots and lots of people developing symptoms related to Fukushima disaster (VIDEO) — "Many cases of sickness and death among young generations" not reported
For first time, officials admit to 'shortage of workers' at Fukushima — Tepco promises 'additional efforts' to get more — BBC reveals homeless people cleaning reactors and "modern slavery" in Japan nuclear industry... exactly 14 years ago
Published on Oct 31, 2013
Major earthquake is predicted in Osaka earthquake with shaking of the Nankai Trough. Not looking good for all those other currently idled reactors... I'll bet they didn't take victims of Those nuclear reactor "problems" into their predicted death count number equation!
TEPCO sets November 8th as the day fuel rod extraction begins from "crippled, leaning, sinking, patchwork, exploded" reactor building #4 spent fuel pool.
Link to BeautifulGirlByDana's video mentioned at 12:07, click this link titled New Fukushima Radioactive Death Plumes begin decent on unsuspecting Canadians
This info just in and not included in today's update of video:
TEPCO posts 1st half-year profit since 2011 crisis
Tokyo Electric Power Company has reported its first mid-term profit since the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in 2011.
TEPCO posted on Thursday about 1.14 billion dollars in profits for the April-September period.
Sales for the period were nearly 32 billion dollars, up more than 12 percent from a year earlier, due to cost-cutting efforts as well as a rise in electricity rates.
Profits rose despite record fuel costs of about 14 billion dollars for thermal power generation due to the weaker yen and suspended operations at all its nuclear power plants.
The company put off repair work at other power plants and transmission facilities to cut spending by 3.7 million dollars. It also reduced labor costs by 1.8 million dollars from a year earlier.
TEPCO president Naomi Hirose told reporters the company still faces an uphill battle in its struggle with contaminated wastewater at the Fukushima plant.
But Hirose said the utility aims to post a profit for the full business year next March by further streamlining operations and postponing repair works until the next fiscal year.
$66 billion in reconstruction budget unspent
LDP panel seeks to find funds to scrap reactors
Test fishing off Japan to expand
Business leader calls for use of More Nuclear Reactors (oh, this is interesting, when i typed that last sentence, YouTube gave me "destruction" as a tag word suggestion...
A couple of the videos today came from, but I couldn't find the link again, sorry.
partial song at the end by Jonathan Mann called more than the sum of your parts #1699
I'm trying to keep it under 15 minutes so I didn't hit the eneheadlines today.
Latest Headlines:
US Energy Secretary: Tragic Fukushima event had "global consequences" — Report: Japan's Fukushima Daiichi plant "is world's worst nuclear disaster"
Celebrated Physician: Fukushima has humanity "on brink of a possible worldwide nuclear holocaust" — "The world as we know it has changed" — "Effects on our health are incomprehensible"
Anonymous Fukushima Workers: We dumped untested water last typhoon, could be criminal — 'Landmines' of extremely high radiation at many locations — Very worrying that I'm getting sick more now — "Site full of yakuza & rank amateurs"
TV: "Japan's worst nuclear nightmare" — Yale Professor: Removing fuel from Fukushima Unit 4 pool "has me very scared" — Tepco: "We believe it's not dangerous" (VIDEO)
"We've opened a door to hell" at Fukushima plant, and may never be able to close it — Radio Host: You mean that even with robots they don't know where the 3 reactor cores are? (AUDIO)
Japan Professor: Pregnant women get free new houses if they move back to Fukushima — Physician/Mayor: Children being severely harmed, must be evacuated; World has never come across situation like this (VIDEO)
Why are they 'speeding up' at Unit 4? — Expert in 2010: Megathrust quake to hit Fukushima ~Nov. 2013... Recurrence interval of 75 years with last rupture Nov. 1938 — Planet's most powerful type of seismic event — WSJ: Top official concerned quake to destabilize fuel pool
Warning from Japan's Top Nuclear Official: I am "much more worried" about fuel in Fukushima Unit 4 — Rods may break open and release highly radioactive material — Beware risks from debris, a disaster if damaged — Removal may start Nov. 8
Japan Gov't: "Unprecedented situation of radioactive pollution" from Fukushima disaster — "Intensive Contamination Areas" designated near downtown Tokyo, and officials there say health assistance for kids and pregnant women is needed (MAP)
Tokyo Mother: "Total media blackout" in Japan of lots and lots of people developing symptoms related to Fukushima disaster (VIDEO) — "Many cases of sickness and death among young generations" not reported
For first time, officials admit to 'shortage of workers' at Fukushima — Tepco promises 'additional efforts' to get more — BBC reveals homeless people cleaning reactors and "modern slavery" in Japan nuclear industry... exactly 14 years ago
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relatar atividades culturais e reuniões da Academia de Letras José de Alencar - ALJA
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sexta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2013
Após mais de 20 tremores, Defesa Civil manda esvaziar cidade do RN
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relatar atividades culturais e reuniões da Academia de Letras José de Alencar - ALJA
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Uranium-Contaminated Structures in the Navajo Nation
Enviado em 16/06/2009
Accessible version and more information:
EPA is concerned that structures, including homes, hogans and storage buildings on Navajo Nation land may have been constructed of contaminated materials from nearby uranium mines. A project is underway to assess and rebuild structures with elevated readings.
For more about EPA:
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Disclaimer: The U.S. Government does not promote or endorse any non-Government or commercial content appearing on this page.
EPA is concerned that structures, including homes, hogans and storage buildings on Navajo Nation land may have been constructed of contaminated materials from nearby uranium mines. A project is underway to assess and rebuild structures with elevated readings.
For more about EPA:
We accept comments according to our comment policy:
Disclaimer: The U.S. Government does not promote or endorse any non-Government or commercial content appearing on this page.
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relatar atividades culturais e reuniões da Academia de Letras José de Alencar - ALJA
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Del Amo Cleanup
Publicado em 02/11/2012
NOTE: If you need captions, please click the CC button on the player to turn them on.
Learn about the soil vapor extraction/bioventing system at the Del Amo Superfund Site, Waste Pits Area, in Los Angeles, California. See how it works to remove cancer-causing benzene from the soil, and how progress is measured.
For more information about Del Amo site, visit
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Disclaimer: The U.S. Government does not promote or endorse any non-Government or commercial content appearing on this page.
Learn about the soil vapor extraction/bioventing system at the Del Amo Superfund Site, Waste Pits Area, in Los Angeles, California. See how it works to remove cancer-causing benzene from the soil, and how progress is measured.
For more information about Del Amo site, visit
For more about EPA:
We accept comments according to our comment policy:
Disclaimer: The U.S. Government does not promote or endorse any non-Government or commercial content appearing on this page.
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relatar atividades culturais e reuniões da Academia de Letras José de Alencar - ALJA
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U.S. EPA Mercury Capture System
Publicado em 20/08/2013
NOTE: If you need captions, please click the CC button on the player to turn them on.
This video describes a solution to the severe health risks caused by mercury emissions from small-scale gold processing. Small scale gold buying and refining facilities, or gold shops, located in over 55 countries throughout the world, are an important part of the artisanal and small-scale gold production process, and are a major cause of air pollution from mercury. EPA and Argonne National Laboratory worked together to design a low-cost mercury capture system that is simple to build and install, using locally available materials. The system reduces mercury emissions by at least 80 percent.
For more information about the Mercury Capture System, go to
For more about EPA visit:
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This video describes a solution to the severe health risks caused by mercury emissions from small-scale gold processing. Small scale gold buying and refining facilities, or gold shops, located in over 55 countries throughout the world, are an important part of the artisanal and small-scale gold production process, and are a major cause of air pollution from mercury. EPA and Argonne National Laboratory worked together to design a low-cost mercury capture system that is simple to build and install, using locally available materials. The system reduces mercury emissions by at least 80 percent.
For more information about the Mercury Capture System, go to
For more about EPA visit:
We accept comments according to our comment policy:
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terça-feira, 22 de outubro de 2013
What you can do about climate change at home (30 sec PSA)
Publicado em 26/08/2013
NOTE: If you need captions, please click the CC button on the player to turn them on.
For 1 minute version:
Business and home offices use a significant amount of electricity for heating and cooling, lighting, and operating equipment. There are simple steps you can take to reduce your carbon footprint at work. Act on climate change.
For more information about climate change, go to
For more about EPA:
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For 1 minute version:
Business and home offices use a significant amount of electricity for heating and cooling, lighting, and operating equipment. There are simple steps you can take to reduce your carbon footprint at work. Act on climate change.
For more information about climate change, go to
For more about EPA:
We accept comments according to our comment policy:
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Faça a diferença onde estiver
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EPA Connect
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EMPRESAS AMERICANAS (NORTE) PREMIADAS - EPA Honors Freight Industry Leaders for Environmental Achievements
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segunda-feira, 14 de outubro de 2013
Defesa Civil - uma área vital à sociedade moderna e a importância da Boa Técnica
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China Syndrome Emergency at Fukushima 8/6/13 update (Trouble Just Beginning)
Publicado em 06/08/2013
Damn, I tried to put myself into Fukushima Rehab for the last few days. I was doing great... nearly through the "white knuckling it" phase... Now All of This! I picked a bad week to give up Fukushima report updates.
Of course, this all takes place on the anniversary of the Nagasaki bombing...
I'm not going to give a big long list of the shit that's in this report. I'm too fucking tired of this shit for that. I'm just going to copy paste the Enenews headlines... After Yet Another Computer Crash!
BTW, I highly suggest you subscribe to the people in my list of "Other Fukushima Reporters" area on my YT page. I'm fizzling out here...
Especially MissingSky101
'A2-B-C' (TRAILER予告編) thyroid cysts and nodules in Fukushima children
Latest Headlines:
Japan's Top Nuclear Official: Tepco will never be able to store all the radioactive water at Fukushima plant — They'll end up dumping it into ocean
Wall St. Journal: Official warns Fukushima reactor buildings could "topple" — Tepco's work to change flow of groundwater can form pools below surface that soften the earth
BBC: Water crisis at Fukushima has only just begun — "Plant sits smack in the middle of an underground aquifer" — It's rapidly being overwhelmed deep beneath ground (VIDEO)
Wall St. Journal: Fukushima leaks are "massive public health issue" — Obviously this could spread throughout Pacific and get into food supply (VIDEO)
Oregon Health Officials: We are actively monitoring the situation in Japan — We are not 'yet' mobilizing in response to the news — We will respond with enhanced efforts as appropriate
Vice Governor: "Emergency situation" at Fukushima; Tepco has increased the risk of further leaks; Gov't needs to take over — NHK: Officials make "emergency visit" to damaged nuclear plant (VIDEOS)
TV: Nuclear expert says Fukushima "is already beyond Tepco's control" — Gov't concerned leakage to rapidly accelerate (VIDEO)
Asahi: Radioactive contamination 'soaring' in Fukushima groundwater — Strontium and other beta emitters up 4,500% in recent days; Cesium rises nearly 1,500% — Tepco says it doesn't know why levels spiked (VIDEO)
Tepco Press Conference: The situation at Fukushima is bleak — "This discharge is beyond our control" (VIDEO)
Shock? UC Berkeley Professor Claims: "No matter what happens in Fukushima, it's not going to be a problem over here" — U.S. Gov't: "Any kind of release in Japan would be non-detectable here" (Studies say otherwise)
BBC: "Huge buildup" of radioactive groundwater at Fukushima plant — Expert concerned "contamination has spread to all sorts of places" (VIDEO)
The Times: "Lethal threat" from Fukushima's highly radioactive water flowing into Pacific Ocean — "A threat to life"
BBC: Flow of radioactive water into Pacific could 'accelerate rapidly' now that barrier is breached at Fukushima plant — Tepco clearly in 'deep trouble'
Watch: Japan Officials Issue Fukushima Radioactivity Alert — "The radioactive discharge is out of control" — Contamination seeping into ocean is an emergency (VIDEO)
Fire alarm goes off nearby Fukushima spent fuel pool — Tepco: "No smoke, etc. was found around ceiling at site using a web camera... we have judged incident was malfunction"
UK Reporter: Gas bubbling up like 'small underwater geysers' around giant Louisiana sinkhole; Widespread methane leakage — General: Big environmental groups ignoring disaster
Reuters Exclusive: Barrier is breached at Fukushima says official — 'Highly radioactive' water entering ocean — Will flow 'extremely fast' if it reaches surface — Tepco sorry for trouble
Fukushima Unit No. 3 steaming — Lasted more than four hours today — Observed 'intermittently' over past 13 days
Japan Official: 'State of emergency' now at Fukushima nuclear plant — 'High possibility' barrier is breached
Kyodo: 'Radiation crisis' at Fukushima plant — Toxic water entering sea for years — "Tainting ocean and marine life"
AP: Strong M6 quake hits Northeast Japan — Rated Upper 5 intensity on scale up to 7 — Tepco says no reports of problems at Fukushima Daiichi (MAP)
Tunnels under Fukushima plant suspected to have quake damage — Allows radioactive water to 'move' into ground — Still holding over 15,000 tons — High-level contamination flowing in from turbine buildings — Tepco "couldn't afford to work on tunnels"
Of course, this all takes place on the anniversary of the Nagasaki bombing...
I'm not going to give a big long list of the shit that's in this report. I'm too fucking tired of this shit for that. I'm just going to copy paste the Enenews headlines... After Yet Another Computer Crash!
BTW, I highly suggest you subscribe to the people in my list of "Other Fukushima Reporters" area on my YT page. I'm fizzling out here...
Especially MissingSky101
'A2-B-C' (TRAILER予告編) thyroid cysts and nodules in Fukushima children
Latest Headlines:
Japan's Top Nuclear Official: Tepco will never be able to store all the radioactive water at Fukushima plant — They'll end up dumping it into ocean
Wall St. Journal: Official warns Fukushima reactor buildings could "topple" — Tepco's work to change flow of groundwater can form pools below surface that soften the earth
BBC: Water crisis at Fukushima has only just begun — "Plant sits smack in the middle of an underground aquifer" — It's rapidly being overwhelmed deep beneath ground (VIDEO)
Wall St. Journal: Fukushima leaks are "massive public health issue" — Obviously this could spread throughout Pacific and get into food supply (VIDEO)
Oregon Health Officials: We are actively monitoring the situation in Japan — We are not 'yet' mobilizing in response to the news — We will respond with enhanced efforts as appropriate
Vice Governor: "Emergency situation" at Fukushima; Tepco has increased the risk of further leaks; Gov't needs to take over — NHK: Officials make "emergency visit" to damaged nuclear plant (VIDEOS)
TV: Nuclear expert says Fukushima "is already beyond Tepco's control" — Gov't concerned leakage to rapidly accelerate (VIDEO)
Asahi: Radioactive contamination 'soaring' in Fukushima groundwater — Strontium and other beta emitters up 4,500% in recent days; Cesium rises nearly 1,500% — Tepco says it doesn't know why levels spiked (VIDEO)
Tepco Press Conference: The situation at Fukushima is bleak — "This discharge is beyond our control" (VIDEO)
Shock? UC Berkeley Professor Claims: "No matter what happens in Fukushima, it's not going to be a problem over here" — U.S. Gov't: "Any kind of release in Japan would be non-detectable here" (Studies say otherwise)
BBC: "Huge buildup" of radioactive groundwater at Fukushima plant — Expert concerned "contamination has spread to all sorts of places" (VIDEO)
The Times: "Lethal threat" from Fukushima's highly radioactive water flowing into Pacific Ocean — "A threat to life"
BBC: Flow of radioactive water into Pacific could 'accelerate rapidly' now that barrier is breached at Fukushima plant — Tepco clearly in 'deep trouble'
Watch: Japan Officials Issue Fukushima Radioactivity Alert — "The radioactive discharge is out of control" — Contamination seeping into ocean is an emergency (VIDEO)
Fire alarm goes off nearby Fukushima spent fuel pool — Tepco: "No smoke, etc. was found around ceiling at site using a web camera... we have judged incident was malfunction"
UK Reporter: Gas bubbling up like 'small underwater geysers' around giant Louisiana sinkhole; Widespread methane leakage — General: Big environmental groups ignoring disaster
Reuters Exclusive: Barrier is breached at Fukushima says official — 'Highly radioactive' water entering ocean — Will flow 'extremely fast' if it reaches surface — Tepco sorry for trouble
Fukushima Unit No. 3 steaming — Lasted more than four hours today — Observed 'intermittently' over past 13 days
Japan Official: 'State of emergency' now at Fukushima nuclear plant — 'High possibility' barrier is breached
Kyodo: 'Radiation crisis' at Fukushima plant — Toxic water entering sea for years — "Tainting ocean and marine life"
AP: Strong M6 quake hits Northeast Japan — Rated Upper 5 intensity on scale up to 7 — Tepco says no reports of problems at Fukushima Daiichi (MAP)
Tunnels under Fukushima plant suspected to have quake damage — Allows radioactive water to 'move' into ground — Still holding over 15,000 tons — High-level contamination flowing in from turbine buildings — Tepco "couldn't afford to work on tunnels"
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